Monday, August 12, 2013

From Migrant Workers to Picking Berries: The New American Dream

As I come to the close of our 3rd Annual NPS Academy and commence the 4th Annual Pura Vida program I can't help but think back to the beginning.   Not only to the beginning of when I developed these programs and began my work as a Youth and Diversity Outreach Coordinator, but to the beginning of my ancestral line.  

Now I should say that as Latinos, my family isn't really into written documentation so I can only tell you the stories that have been passed down to me from my parents and grandparents.  I come from a line of migrant workers on both sides of my family.  My Paternal grandfather migrated into Texas at the young naive age of 14.  As he struggled to get on his feet and pull himself up by his own bootstraps he worked the only job that he knew to do- a ranch hand.  With little to no English skills and a 6th grade education, he knew he wanted to fulfill the American Dream.  He came to this country to do just that, no matter the travesties and tribulations he had to endure, he wanted to give his family a better life.   At the age of 22, he married my grandmother a 1st or 2nd generation Texan.  She's the type of family you hear about that claims "we didn't cross the border, the border crossed us!"   As far as she can remember they've always lived in the same town and who really knows for how long.  My grandmother, a 4th grade educated woman, also grew up knowing the value of hard work.  To this day, she still practices her reading and writing by reading magazines.  There isn't a page that goes by that you don't see her name written in cursive letters. 

When my father was young he and my aunt would be pulled out of school early every year to work the "piscas" or the fields.  They traveled the country by car to pick cherries and apples in Washington and potatoes and cotton in Wisconsin.  It was a tough life to make ends meet.  

My maternal grandparents migrated from Mexico City into the States.  My grandfather worked the fields and eventually mastered the English language, so well in fact that you'd never know he was a foreigner.  A man with conviction to better his family and fight for the people he organized strikes against the pecan company where he worked as a union pecan Sheller.   He organized along side Emma Tenayuca, a Mexican-American Activist to earn better wages and working conditions for the workers.   

My parents believed in also giving us, their kids, more than they had. Growing up, we watched my parents struggle to make ends meet.  Sometimes they had to decide between putting food on the table or paying bills.   They strongly believed in making sure we got a strong education and doing whatever we wanted to do as long as you worked hard and were passionate about it. 

My story is like that of many others like me. We have come a long way. To think of the hard work and dedication that my ancestors working the ranches, fields and in unbearable working conditions had to endure to open up doors for us, their future, their children.  

Today, I work for the same reasons.  I work to introduce youth to their national parks, made possible by those that came before us. I work to open doors for those that come after me, so that they too have the same and even better opportunities that I was given.  It is for all of them and all of those that worked their fingers to the bone that I'm able to pick berries for fun and live my American Dream. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Cultural Amnesia

Turn on the TV today and you constantly hear about two things that Congress is debating, now that the budget for the rest of FY 2013 has been passed are 1)gun control and 2) immigration reform.  Immigration reform is an important topic that deserves all the talk and media that it is receiving, as gun control, but with immigration talk comes the ignorant comments of "THEY need to go back to where THEY came from," "THEY are stealing our jobs," "THEY are taking advantage of our social programs and not paying taxes."  I for one would like to know who THEY are.  If I make my assumptions, "THEY" refers to immigrants that have come to this country for nothing more than the American Dream.

The purpose of this post is not to make an argument for or against immigration reform but to help us all remember that WE, unless you're Native American, all come from some other place.  None of us, white, black, brown, asian originated in this country unless your family comes from Native Americans. As more and more generations - 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. generations claim the term "American", many tend to forget their cultural identity or begin to have what can be known as "cultural amnesia."   By cultural amnesia, I am not referring to what would show up on Google - a novel by Clive James or a 1980's UK band, but the fact that people have forgotten their roots, their own cultural origins.   Yes, many have been in this country for 5+ generations but your great great great great great grandparents came to THIS country for some sort of freedom and to live a free life to achieve their American Dream, much like those that are coming to this country are doing today.   It is our duty as Americans to ensure that our own knowledge of where WE come from is reignited.

We must continue the legacy of our people, whoever they may be and remember that we stand on the shoulders of our immigrant ancestors.  Next time you hear someone say that THEY should go back to their country, think about which THEY are speaking of….

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The future of conservation - Connections, Diversity and Legacy. The NPS Academy.

Last  week, we (Grand Teton National Park) had the privilege of hosting the 3rd annual NPS Academy.  This program brought together 30 bright and truly diverse individuals to experience a week in a natural and wild place, learn about NPS career opportunities, learn about themselves as individuals but most importantly each other in this new community that they have built that they now call a family.   

Throughout the week, I had the opportunity to engage with students about where they are from and who they are.  Each interaction was an inspiration.  As we have talked about connections, diversity and legacy I couldn't help to think of my own connections and legacy to this diverse landscape. 

I came to the NPS, an excited naive individual who was ready to follow a passion of community development and helping people.  After a year as a permanent employee, I was able to link my two passions by creating the outreach programs we have today, including the NPS Academy.  

As I reflect back, I could not have done all that I've accomplished this far by being apathetic and certainly not by myself.  I have worked hard to be where I am by taking that extra mile to prove that I can meet any challenge and to prove those that didn't believe in me wrong.  I was not handed the opportunities that I received but worked up to them.  

I stand on the shoulders of my migrant worker grandparents, my parents who worked hard to make ends meet and to those pioneers like Cesar Chavez and those alike.  I most of all stand on the shoulders of the park rangers of diverse culture backgrounds that paved the way for us to not only do the work that I'm doing but for these students to participate in programs like these.  It is their legacy I continue as I leave my own.

As one of the achritects of this program, I'm thrilled to see the transformation that students have gone through in just 6 days. The ability to build community and willingness to share personal stories inspires me and assures me that we are doing something right.  If I were to give any advice to anyone it would be this, work hard and "bring it" every single day.  Be confident but don't expect things to be handed to you, you must work up to opportunities and prove people and yourself wrong- you can overcome any adversities that are thrown your way no matter how big or small they may be.  

I am truly humbled and inspired by each and ever one of you. Thank you for your commitment this week and as we move forward to the next phase on the program.

Grand Teton NPS Academy 2013 student video:

NPS Academy Class of 2013

Monday, February 25, 2013

We are NOT Entitled - An Open Letter to Us, the Millennial Generation

Dear Us, the Millennial Generation:

As Kid President would say, "I'm talking to you… yeah you!" We are the Millennial Generation, defined  as those born after 1980, who have come to age in the new millennium (Pew Research).  Statistics show that we are the most confident, connected, most ethnically and racially diverse and possible on our way to being the most educated generation in history (Pew Research).  As awesome as we are, we also have our downfalls.

Studies have shown that we are all these things along with being the most over-parented generation of all time (Pew Research).  Is this because we've lived through terrorist attacks, massive gun shootings in schools, malls, theaters and grocery store parking lots?  Or is it because we no longer know our neighbors, have block parties and therefore cannot trust anyone? We do indeed have great confidence, but why?  Is it because we, as Bruce Tulgan (2009) states in his book, have always gotten a trophy even when we didn't win first place?  Why bruise our tender egos, just give us a trophy to build our confidence… that wouldn't create any backlash in the future, right?  I'm not too sure of it.

Here's my theory - we are the most educated generation in history, whether by choice of continuing our education or by forcing ourselves back to school because we can't get a job and our parents, who most continue to live with, keep yelling at us because we sit at home hoping to get that awesome job we went to college for.  Because we are the most educated, we believe we should come out of college with the $50k+ job we were promised in our 4-5 years of working towards receiving our Bachelors degree, despite the fact that we only have 1-2 years at minimum of "real world" life experience at best.    We believe that we are equal to those generations before us that have put in years of hard work to get to where they are at and that we should just walk into their job without putting in any blood, sweat or tears into it.   Unfortunately, this isn't the reality we live in.

We may be the most educated generation, but studies show that we do not have the same work or moral ethic than generations before us (Pew Research).  We feel entitled to the jobs that we do not yet deserve.  Getting our "dream job" just does not happen! It's time to realize, Millennial Generation, we are not entitled. It takes thousands of hours of hard work, passion, the need for continual education, on-the-job training, a handful of great mentors and individuals who will fight for you and stand by you.   We have to build meaningful relationships, believe in the work we do and set goals to attain that Everlasting Gobstopper known as our "dream job."  Out of everything we do, we have to be responsible for our own selves by applying to those jobs that will get our foot in the door.  We have to start at the bottom and work our way up, just like everyone has had to, despite our many degrees.  And most of all, we have to stop posting every bit of whining and ranting on our employers and future employers on social media sites - hiring officials do research on potential employees and will see your Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and the other sites you're on, so don't do it!

Remember this, yes we are the most educated, crazy awesome generation but we are not entitled to anything. We are no longer children who will get a trophy just for participating .  "We've got air coming though our nose, a heart beat…. get up and do something!," Kid President.  Work hard, play hard and get things done!


Pew Research: Social & Demographic Trends. Millennials: Confident. Connected. Open to Change.

Bruce Tulgan. 2009. "Not Everyone Gets a Trophy."

Pep Talk. Kid President.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Back to it...

It sure has been a while… a little more than a year to be exact that I haven't written in my blog.  In the past year, exciting things have risen.  Youth programs continue to run strong in Grand Teton and we've even developed new programs like "Class of 2016".   I am now engaged to my best friend and love, Juan Martinez!  If you haven't heard of Juan, I encourage you to check out one of his videos or google him.  He's a cool guy. :)

I recently arrived back to the Tetons from a 3 month temporary opportunity in Washington, DC.  While in DC, I served as a Program Analyst for the Department of Interior Youth, Partnership and Services Office.  It was there that I learned about writing policy, working with all the bureaus under DOI and all the politics of working in Washington.  Great things are going on in regards to youth, diversity and veterans within the Department.  Check out the website.  

Working in Washington, DC was an eye opening experience.  It was there I realized in whatever my next steps are in my career, I want to continue to be involved in working with youth and on relevancy, diversity and inclusion issues in the NPS.  The National Park Service is an agency that I believe in… I bleed green and gray and the work that we are all doing to continue connecting children and diverse communities to nature and THEIR national parks.